Gratitude is the expression of appreciation and thanks for the good things that are happening in our lives. It is a mindset that we can cultivate and develop that celebrates presence. It helps to cultivate a higher sense of self-worth. It helps strengthen relationships, and it just leads to more positivity and positive actions.
Here are Five Ways to Help Foster Gratitude in Children
- Modeling. We want to show gratitude in our everyday lives. The environment that’s around our children is that a gratitude rich environment? Our children are watching everything that we’re doing.
- Manners. It is the easiest way to teach gratitude to our children. Please and thank you still go a long way in developing a grateful spirit.
- Exhibiting acts of kindness through service, whether big or small, helps to cultivate a grateful spirit.
- Incorporate gratitude into a daily routine. Making it a habit to be grateful will go very far.
- Maintain a positive attitude. All of these things are ways to create and cultivate gratitude and a grateful spirit in our children, helping them continue to practice that through just constant exhibiting of that so that when they get to adulthood, it’s second nature to them.